ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি প্রস্তুতি - ইংরেজি (6)
মোট ৩০০ নম্বরের পরীক্ষায় ইংরেজিতে থাকবে ১০০ নম্বর। এর মধ্যে Grammar, paragraph, story, comprehension, argumentative essay—থাকবে
the correct answer
1. A man of straw—
a. A man of no substance
b. A very active person
c.A worthy fellow
d. An unreasonable person
2. To end in smoke—
a. To make completely understand
b. To ruin oneself
c. To excite great applause
d. To overcome someone
3. To smell a rat—
a. To see signs of plague epidemic
b. To get bad small of a bad dead rat
c.To suspect foul dealings
d. To be in a bad mood
4. He is out and out a reactionary—
a. no more
b. thoroughly
c. in favour of
d. deadly against
5. Dowry is a burning question of the day—
a. a widely debated issue
b. a dying issue
c. a relevant problem
d. an irrelevant issue
6. One who possesses many talents—
a. Versatile
b. prodigy
c. exceptional
d. gifted
7. Words inscribed on a tomb—
a. Epitome
b. epistle
c. epilogue
d. epitaph
8. A person who thinks only of himself—
a. Egoist
b. eccentric
c. proud
d. boaste
9. A speech delivered without any previous preparation—
a. Philanthropist
b. Optimist
c. Pessimist
d. Extempore
10. A life history written by somebody else—
a. Biography
b. autobiography
c. anthropology
d. ornithology
আশরাফ উজ জামান, ২৮তম ব্যাচ, রংপুর ক্যাডেট কলেজ। প্রভাষক, নীলফামারী সরকারি মহিলা কলেজ।
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