ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি প্রস্তুতি ২০২৪ - ইংরেজি প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্ব - ১৫
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list.
Essential, practices, the society,
mind, sound, regularly, free, well, wealth, proper, happy, hygiene.
As health is a) ____, we should be
eager to keep good health. Good health means b) ____ from disease and anxiety.
It needs c) ____ functioning of all organs. It cares about both body and d)
____. Sound body cannot be achieved without e) ____ mind. Healthy people are
active, cheerful and f) ____ . Healthy people are good for both themselves and
g) ____ . In keeping good health h) ____ plays a vital role. Hygiene means the
i) ____ of the rules of good health. Proper food, exercise, rest, cleanliness
and medicare are j) ____ for good health.
a. wealth b. free c. well d. mind e.
sound f. happy g. the society h. hygiene i. practices j. essential
2. Use the right form of the verbs.
a. You ever (be) to Dhaka?
b. I (to see) you long ago.
c. He talks as if he (to be) the
d. Everybody (to love) flowers.
e. The picture was (to hang) on the
a. Have you ever been to Dhaka?
b. I had seen you long ago.
c. He talks as if he knew the leader.
d. Everybody loves flowers.
e. The picture was hung on the wall.
3. Name the adjective of the underlined words.
a. I want some
b. Mr. Nayem has two
c. Mr. Nizam is a brilliant
d. This is my
e. Which
pen do you like?
a. Quantity b. Numeral c. Quality d.
Possessive Pronominal e. Interrogative Pronominal
4. Write the right one.
a. Immedate / immediate / imidiate.
b. Colonel / kornel / carnel
c. Milenunium / millenium /
d. Restaurant / rastuarant /
e. Achive / achieve / actiave.
a. immediate b. colonel c. millennium
d. restaurant e. achieve
5. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.
a. One who cooks is a ____ .
b. One who sells milk ____ .
c. One who makes furniture ____ .
d. A man who mend shoes is a ____ .
e. A place where sick people are kept
is a ____ .
a. cook/chef b. milkman c. carpenter
d. cobbler e. hospital
মো. আফলাতুন, সহযোগী অধ্যাপক,
ফেনী সরকারি কলেজ, ফেনী
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