ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তিচ্ছুদের ইংরেজি মডেল টেস্ট -০২

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর * ইংরেজি

1. Read the passage below and answer the following question: 05 x 2=10
A proverb has it that 'Health is Wealth'. To keep healthy is to keep free from disease and anxiety. Good health is proper functioning of all body organs. It is also feeling well both in body and in mind. People in good health are active, cheerful and happy. If you are healthy, you can be happy and can help others in society as well.
To keep in good health we should careful about hygiene. The rules and practices of keeping good health are called hygiene. We must practice the rules of hygiene. Proper food and nutrition, physical exercise, rest and sleep, cleanliness and proper medicate are essential for good health.
a. What do we mean by hygiene?
b. What are essential for good health?
c. Who is a healthy man?
d. What does good health mean?
e. Hwo can you be happy?
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 05
a. Shahjahan built The Taj Mahal as a ---- of love for his wife.
b. Farmer called his sons ---- him.
c. We should drive carefully before ---- .
d. The Toad was ---- too much.
e. 'Who has seen the wind' composed by ----.
3. Correct the following: 05
a. What is the time in your watch?
b. Get this poem by memory.
c. The weather of this place is suitable for me.
d. He is a man of letter.
e. They give false witness.
4. Make sentences with the following phrases: 05
a. At first sight: b. By no means:
c. Hush money: d. Man of Straw: e. Well off:
5. Name the parts of speech of the underlined words: 05
a. There are none but wishes to be happy.
b. We have enough money for this purpose.
c. Some thirteen men came here.
d. He was sitting next her.
e. I never long for wealth.
6. Answer the following questions: 05
a. Why one's should obey the Traffic signals?
b. Why you are appearing this examination?
c. Why we should take balance diet?
d. What is Humanity?
d. Hwo can we avoid depression?
7. Answer the following questions: 05 x 02= 10
a. What does 'fauna' mean?
b. What is effective against the increased sensitiveness of the teeth?
c. What is the difference between 'Where do you come from?' and 'Where are you coming from now?'
d. Why do we feel sad on our victory day?
e. Why was the Concert for Bangladesh organied? 8. ive example of the following: 05
a. Cognate verb: b. Semi- Modals:
c. Correlative conjunction:
d. Compound Noun: e. Double Preposition:
9. Transform the following sentences as directed: 05
a. Post the letter. (Negative) --------
b. The weather being cold, I could not go out. (Complex)-----------
c. I knwo what his name is. (Simple) ---------
d. Very fwe materials are as useful as the Iron. (Positive Degree)---------
e. I have a cow. (Passive) ----------
10. Translate into English: 05
নকশি কাঁথা এক ধরনের কাঁথা তবে তা অন্য সাধারণ কাঁথা থেকে ভিন্ন। এটি এক ধরনের শৈল্পিকভাবে নকশি করা কাঁথা। বাংলার গ্রাম্য মহিলারা ঐতিহ্যগতভাবে এই কাঁথা তৈরি করে। বাংলাদেশের কিছু জেলা নকশি কাঁথার জন্য বিখ্যাত। বর্তমানে দেশে এবং বিদেশে নকশি কাঁথার ব্যাপক চাহিদা রয়েছে।
11. Join the following sentence: 05
a. The old Sailor went away. He left the marriage guest alone. (Use Present Participle)
b. He was very ill. He could not attend the party. (Use Since)
c. We eat. We want to live. (Use So that)
d. Ria was very intelligent. She won the first prize. (Use Enough)
e. The tea is very hot. I can not take it. (Use Too... To)
12. Punctuate and capitalize the following sentence: 05
Hello, I am joy. i am the class captain. Nwe student said hi. ¸ name is sajed. Joy replied where do you come from sajed. Sajed said I am from sylhet. ¸ fater transferred here, that's why I am here in Khulna.
13. Write down the next similar two more words: 05
a. Table tenis, Chess, Ludo, ----, ----.
b. Strange, abnormal, queer, ----, ----.c. Pause, hesitate, stop, ----, ----.
d. Fresh, New, modern, ----, ----.
e. Usual, familiar, typical, ----, ----.
14. Look at the following picture belwo and describe about it using the hints: 07
Challenging, peace, security, distribute foods, entertainment.
15. Complete the following story following the clue: 08
Once a farmer had a goose. It used to lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer used to sell them is the market and within a short time he became quite solvent. But his wife was very greedy ...
16. Write a short note on, 'Unity is Strength'. 10
1 .a) The rule and practices of keeping good health are called hygiene b) proper food and nutrition, physical exercise, rest and sleep c) A man who is active, cheerful and happy is a healthy man. d) good health means the proper functioning of all body organs. e. If we are healthy, we can be happy 2. a) token b) before c) hospital/school d) shouting e) Christian Rossetti 3. A) what is the time by your watch b) Get this poem by heart c) The climate of this place is suitable for me d) He is a man of letters e) They give false evidence. (4) a) (প্রথম দর্শনে): I caught sight of her b) (যেকোন উপায়ে ): I shall by no means do you aû harm c) (ঘুষ): Please, do not take hush money at aû time d) (অপদার্থ লোক): He is a man of straw. e) (স্বচ্ছল): You will be extremely well off soon. 5. a) Pronoun b) adjective c) Adverb d) Preposition e) verb 6. a) One should obey the traffic signals to reduce road accident and to avoid unavoidable circumstances. b) As my goal is to be a cadet, so I am appearing at the examination. c) We should take balanced diet to lead healthy life. d) Humanity is a human divine virtue to 'be compassionate' and having 'fellwo feelings' towards others. It constitutes the core of all human values broadly e) We can avoid depression by maû ways e. g. 1) Positive thinking 2) take rest properly 3) mange stress 4) avoid alcohol & drugs and 5) having balanced diet. 7. a) Fauna means a group of animals aû particular region or period. b) A pinch of pepper powder mixed with common salt. c) By the question 'where do you come from' the speaker wants to knwo his birth place and by the question 'where are you coming from now' the speaker wants to know the place from where he has started his present the journey. d) We feel sad on our victory day because people from all walks of life and of all ages sacrificed their valuable lives for victory. e) The concert for Bangladesh was organized to make the world aware of the sufferings of Bangladesh during our liberation war. 8. A) He dreamt a sweet dream. B) used to/ dare/ need c) not only.. but also d) Bus stop (double noun) e) within/ upon 9. A) Let the letter not to be kept. B) Since the weather was cold, I could not go out. C) I knwo his name d) The iron is more useful than most other materials. E) A cwo is had by me. 10. The Nakshi Khanta is a kind of quilt but different from other ordinary quilt. It is an artistic embroidered quilt. Women of rural Bangladesh traditionally make this quilt. Some districts in Bangladesh are famous for Nakshi Kantha. At Present there is a great demand of Nakshi Kantha both inside the country and abroad. 11. The old sailor went away leaving the marriage guest alone. Since, he was very ill, he could not attend the party. C) We eat so that we may live. D) Ria was intelligent enough to win the first prize. E) The tea is too hot for me to take. 12. Hello! 'I am Joy. I'm the class captain'. New student said, 'Hi! My name is Sajed'. Joy replied, 'Where do you come from, Sajed'. Sajed Said, 'I am from Sylhet. My Father transferred here. That's why I'm here in Khulna'. 13. A) indoor games b) odd, peculiar c) held up, postponed d) current , recent, up-to- date e) ordinary, normal

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