ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি প্রস্তুতি - ইংরেজি (8)

1. Write the right one.

a. Immedate / Immediate /Imidiate.

b. Colonel / Kornel / Carnel

c. Milenunium/Millenium/Millennium

d. Restaurant / Rastuarant / Resturant.

e. Achive / Achieve / Actiave.

Answers: a. Immediate b. Colonel c. Millennium d. Restaurant

e. Achieve

2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words:

a. One who cooks is a____ .

b. One who sells milk____ .

c. One who makes furniture____ .

d. A man who mend shoes is a____ .

e. A place where sick people are kept is a____.

Answers: a. cook/chef b. milkman c. carpenter d. cobbler e. hospital

3. Correct the following sentences:

a. Raiyan is junior than I.

b. I saw two deers.

c. Do you know where does he live?

d. One should do his duty.

e. Jami is my cousin brother.


a. Raiyan is junior to me.

b. I saw two deer.

c. Do you know where he lives?

d. One should do one’s duty.

e. Jami is my cousin.

4. Transform the following:

a. He is too weak to walk. (Complex)

b. He is the oldest man in the village. (Comparative)

c. In spite of his poverty, he is happy. (Complex)

d. We must obey our parents. (Negative)

e. We eat to live. (Compound)


a. He is so weak that he cannot walk.

b. He is older than any other man in the village.

c. Although he is poor, he is happy.

d. We cannot but obey our parents.

e. We eat and live.

মো. আফলাতুন, সহযোগী অধ্যাপক, ফেনী সরকারি কলেজ, ফেনী

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